Net Neutrality and Why You Should Care.

One of the most vital ideas that helped create the internet the way it is right now is in danger. And we need your help.

By definition, net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments must treat all data and users on the Internet the same. In other words, service providers cannot discriminate by giving certain websites slower speeds or remove them completely.

Currently, all websites on the internet get access to the treatment, no matter if they pay thousands of dollars for hosting or not. That can only happen with net neutrality.

Without net neutrality, service providers have too much power.

They can slow down the speed of their competition’s websites.

They can charge premiums for quicker hosting.

As a result, smaller websites may no longer be able to continue operating, as they cannot afford the premium prices for fast hosting. Even worse, you will have to pay the cost of all of this if net neutrality is revoked. For example, your Netflix payments will increase as a result of Netflix needing to negotiate a deal for access to good internet speeds.

If the FCC gets their way with net neutrality, here’s what buying an internet plan would look like.


Because service providers can start discriminating between domains, they can charge for access to certain websites. The process will now be like buying a cable plan, where you have to choose your own channels to have.

All in all, net neutrality is worse for everyone. Except for the internet service providers who will earn millions of more dollars in revenue, and that is the only reason why this is still an issue. Big corporations want to abuse us for more money.

These powerful companies are currently lobbying government officials to revoke net neutrality rules, and a decision is to be expected on November 22nd, 2017.

But, you can help save net neutrality.

A barrage of phone calls to Congress is the only way we have to stop them. Please go to and email your local representative.

But that is not enough. You need to inform everyone else about net neutrality, all of your family and friends. Take a couple moments out of your day, and share this article with everyone you know. It will all be worth it when you can continue to browse the internet with fast speeds.

Thank you.


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